Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Chemistry Formula Definition That Will Help You

The Chemistry Formula Definition That Will Help YouYou may want to learn about the chemical formula definition for understanding the Chemistry that is a part of everything. Whether you are a student, teacher, researcher, or any other profession that wants to understand the chemistry you need to know the basic properties and functions of molecules in order to interpret them accurately. Knowing the Chemistry Formula Definition will also help you to measure and determine the concentration of specific substances when you are doing your experiments.It is important to have the Chemical Formula Definition because not only is it the foundation for understanding the Chemistry but also what is the chemical formula for you? Sometimes you can only recognize what is in your sample if you have the formula for it. This is the reason why it is important to learn about the Chemical Formula Definition so that you can analyze the samples in a better way. In the end, you will be able to do some experime nts with the results that you want.You may ask yourself why is it important to learn about the Chemical Formula Definition so that you can do some experimentation with the results. Why would you want to do experiments? There are actually many experiments that you can do, but some are more important than others.First of all, you can learn a lot about your chemistry by doing experiments. With the Chemical Formula Definition, you will be able to understand the properties of the compounds that you are studying so that you can adjust them according to the parameters that you are using. If you are a student, you will be able to read the chemical equations in the text book better because you will have the Chemical Formula Definition that you can refer to.Another thing that you can learn is how you can improve your performance in practical situations. If you are an engineer, you can learn to add up the pressure of various solutions in your testing to get the right results. If you are a scie ntist, you can be more knowledgeable about how to handle various chemical compounds. You can also improve your results because you will be able to measure and determine the specific concentrations that you need to analyze.However, learning about the Chemical Formula Definition is not only important for doing experiments and performing practical studies. It is also important for understanding the properties of the compounds that are often used in drug treatment, cancer therapy, or any other treatment for diseases. You can learn the properties of the drug that you are using to treat a disease by finding out the exact chemical formula that is used in the compound.You can get information about the formula definition by visiting your local library or any other science reference library. They will give you detailed descriptions about each chemical formula that is used for each one of the properties that you need to be aware of. So, whether you are an engineer, a scientist, or a student, l earn about the Chemical Formula Definition and do some experiments with the results.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Attention Kansas City KS Overland Park people - Meeting - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Attention Kansas City KS Overland Park people - Meeting - Introvert Whisperer Attention Kansas City KS Overland Park people Meeting Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will?  If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

A Terrible Boss - Office English Listening and Writing Exercise

A Terrible Boss - Office English Listening and Writing Exercise Ok. I chose another comedic listening exercise, this time from the movie Office Space, where we see the main characters terrible boss. There are some great phrasal verbs used in the exercise and it is about English work and office language. Give it a try and if you have time do the writing exercise too.Fill in the gaps from the video above. Write your answers in comments and well respond.1. Hello Peter. _____   ________?2. What time does he want him to come in?3. Im also going to need you to ___ _____ and come in on Sunday too.4. Why does he need him to work on Sunday?5. We need to sort of play _______   __.6. What does the above phrasal verb mean?These are 5 important phrasal verbs can you put them in the correct sentences below?go ahead,  catch up on,  deal with,  focus on,  draw up1. Alice, will you ____ __ a contract for our new business partners.2. I think we will have to work late, that meeting put us behind and we have a lot of reports to _____   __ __.3. Peter, could you ____   ____ the press and their accusations of mishandling government funding.4. _____ ___ Mary, I didnt mean to interrupt you.5. I really need you to _____ __ your work and not play on the internet all day.Writing Assignment:Do you have to work on the weekends? How often? Why? Do you get paid overtime for working on the weekends? Do you take work home with you at night? Do you think we should work on the weekends? Why or why not? Is it different if it is a small business or a large corporation? Why? Laura Mullokandov 1. Whats happening? 2. Around 9 3. to go ahead 4. The company lost some people this week (in other words, the boss fired some workers) 5. Catch up 6. Cath up means to do additional work for filling the gap. LOIEnglish Good work. cleriston 1 Whats happening? 2 around nine 3 To go ahead 4 we lost some people this week (before Laura comment I thought some died) 5 Catch up 6 Additional effort for filling the gap 7 Filling the blank:Draw up, Catch up, deal with, go ah ead, focus on LOIEnglish Cleriston.Your response to Question #4 is very funny. It is true we can use lost to mean died. For example: I lost my father when I was a teenager. In this context it does mean die.The answer to Question #2 in the gap fill is: catch up ON. This is a 3 word phrasal verb. Catch up on something.I need to catch up on my homework. It can also be with. I need to catch up with the world news. Anna 1. Whats happening 2. Around nine 3. Go ahead 4. They lost some people this week. 5. Catch up 6. It means to do additional someone elses work 1. Draw up 2. Catch up on 3. Deal with 4. Go ahead 5. Focus on LOIEnglish Good Anna.A few quick notes catch up doesnt necessarily mean that it is someone elses work. It could be that you fell behind on your own work and have to catch up. Thanks for answering! Laura Mullokandov Writing Exercise. Ive been working on weekends for many years. Actually, I work every weekend. Why? First of all, Ive been paid overtime for this work. A lso I do another kind of work to compare with ordinary working days during the week, it is interesting for me professionally. And above all that, I like to work in a quite environment, on the weekends it is only me at the office:) Most of people prefer dont work on weekends, and it is normal, all of us need time for families and leisure. But if someone do want to work, why not? LOIEnglish Thanks for taking the time to do the writing assignment! I almost always work weekends too, but I enjoy my work and I work from home so I dont mind it.Your sentence: First of all, Ive been paid overtime for this work. The present perfect tense isnt the best choice here. Youve established that you work every weekend which makes it a habit, so we use present simple The correction should be: I am paid overtime for this work.I do another kind of work.The use of another in this sentence isnt correct. See our video: eo-with-exercise/A better choice is: I do a different kind of work comparED to my ordinary working days during the week.You have a typo: quiet or quiteWe do not use of between most and our noun. Most people prefer to NOT work on weekends. Prefer never uses the auxiliary do, dont, does, doesnt)Your last sentence you have a problem with the pronoun someone and the verb/auxiliary. If someone DOES want to workSomeone is 3rd person singular.I hope this helps! Laura Mullokandov Thank you so much! I really need this kind of exercises and your corrections are highly important. André Dertrudes de Macena We ´ve working yes to paid our count. If not who will pay LOIEnglish AndréThanks for the short response. Because you are indicating it is something that is habit or regular you should use present simple. Also I think the correct word isnt count but bills (electricity, water, sewer, gas (for heat), etc?) we call these our bills in English. The second part is a 1st conditional sentence. I n English we need to use the auxiliary (dont, doesnt) to make the sentence negative. I hope this helps. We work, yes, to pay our bills. If we dont, who will pay? André Dertrudes de Macena Gosto de todas as lições, e obrigado por mim responder, quero mais videos e exercícios. Silvia Deplano 1)whats happening? 2) 9 3)catch up on 4)soccer LOIEnglish SilviaI think you missed one question. Question #5: the correct answer is, catch up. Which, means to do work that you have delayed for some reason.Question #3: go ahead, another phrasal verb which means to follow through or continue with something.Question #4: He needs him to come into work because they have lost some people. Meaning they have fired people. Silvia Deplano Alice will you draw up a contract 2) catch up on 3)deal with 4)go ahead 5)focus on LOIEnglish Good! Alvaro Willians About the video1. Whats happening.2. At 9:003. Go ahead4. They lost some people5. Catch upPhrasal Verbs1. Draw up2. Catch up3. Go ahead4. Deal wit h5. Focus onWriting Assignment:No. I dont work on the weekends nowaday, but I have alread worked on the weekend on my former job. There I worked twice a month. We worked on the weekend in order to delivering all projects. Yes we got paid overtime for working on the weekends. Sometimes we took work home with us at night. Some projects needs to be done in another place. Yes, because we had lot of project, but I also think that our boss could menage better the week for us. No there is no difference because all always will have people accepting more than we can do.Question:What does Need play to sort of play catch up mean?Thanks LOIEnglish AlvaroGood work on the listening. Lets look at your writing.NowadayS-has an S at the end.but I have alreadY worked on the weekend on my former job. (Im confused about this sentence. You are using the present perfect tense have +participle but I dont think that it is correct. I think you should use used to. If you are not familiar with this past form , Im going to include a link for you here: worked on the weekend in order to COMPLETE all THE projects.Some OF THE projects needED.because we had A LOT of projectS.but I also thick that our boss could HAVE managED the week better. (This is using a modal verb in the past tense. Modal verbs include: could, would, should, might, may. When we are talking about something in the past the structure is; modal verb + have + participle; could have managed, should have gone, might have been, etc.)No there is no difference because EVERYONE will ALWAYS ACCEPT more than THEY can do.Need to play catch up: This means that there is work that has fallen behind and isnt completed or to the point of progress that it should. For example; if I get sick and cant work for a few days, I might need to play catch up.Thanks for answering. Alvaro Willians Thank you! Nguyen Thi Hoa I dont have to work on the weekend, but almo st technicians have to work on the weekend. They didnt receive overtime for working on the weekends because our boss didnt approve it. I think that we shouldnt work on the weekends because the job performance will be reduce if we dont have to to relax.. Almost large corporation have to work on the weekends but they will have a compensation vacation. LOIEnglish NguyenYou have some confusion between: Almost and most Almost-means not quite, very nearly. i.g. He almost spilled the milk. (He didnt, but he nearly did.) Most-means the majority. i.g. Most people like pizza.So your first sentence: .., but MOST technicians.didnt is for the past simple form. In this case you are talking about something that happens regularly, so we use the present simple. DONT They DONT receive overtime for working on the weekends because our boss DIDNT approve it.because the job performance will be LOWER if we dont HAVE TIME to relax. (lower is a better option here; reduce is a verb.)MOST large corporationS Mr. V.Pires 1-) Whats happening. 2-) around 9:00 am. 3-) go ahead. 4-) because theyve lost some people that weekendI guess some people was fired from job. 5-) catch up. 6-) catch up means doind the job you havent done yet cause youre delayed. WRITING ASSIGNMENTWell, as a matter of fact, I almost never have a weekend free, because of my kind of job. Ill try to explain Im security agent, so I work from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM in alternates days, I mean, if I work on Monday, on Tuesday Ill be taking a rest..this way, if I work on Saturday, Sunday Ill be at home enjoying my day off. Thats why on the weekends, a have, at least, one day at home. Sometimes I make a deal with a partner ( friend at job) and we go work for each other in our day off and then we can have three days off. isnt too bad, is it? Sounds like good ..having three days off. I almost forgot to sayIve alredy had to go work on hollidays, even on Christmas day or New Years Day Sometimes I do extra time work( but not very of ten ) and of course, I get paid for that In my opinion we all deserves a weekend free from work. .even though only to be restting at home or going out, enjoying our family, sigthseeing, talking to a friends or what else we wanna do..the import iskeep our mind (our brain) away from work on the weekends Thank you everyone LOIEnglish Mr. Pires,Good listening skills! Question #4 has a grammar error; people WERE fired from THEIR jobs. Remember that people is plural, so people are, people were. Also job is countable and must have an article (a, the, an) or a pronoun (his, her, their, our).Your writing:kind of job-you have to be careful using kind of because it can be used as almost For example: I kind of like pop music. In the case above in your writing it is better to use typeIm A security agent. (all jobs need an article) Im A teacher. He is AN engineer. She is A pilot.If I work on Monday, on Tuesday I REST. (this is zero conditional and doesnt need WILL). If I work on Saturday Sunday IS my day off. (again zero conditional)extra time work=the word for this is called overtime Sometimes I work overtime (but not very often) and of course I get paid for it. We all deserve (no S) free from work.The IMPORTANT THING is TO keep our mind away from work on the weekends.Thanks for answering!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Whats on the English Literature GCSE AQA Syllabus

What's on the English Literature GCSE AQA Syllabus The most popular exam board for the new English Literature GCSE 9-1 is AQA. So, we have put together a helpful syllabus guide for the new English Literature GCSE. This can be used as a handy check list during revision.  ? Paper One: Section A: Shakespeare Students need to know, in detail, one out of six of these set texts: Macbeth Romeo and Juliet Tempest Merchant of Venice Much Ado About Nothing Julius Caesar Paper One: Section B Students need to know, in detail, one out of seven of these set texts. 19th Century Novels Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde A Christmas Carol- Charles Dickens Great Expectations- Charles Dickens Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte Frankenstein- Mary Shelley Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen Sign of Four- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Paper Two This paper is sat on a different day and has a different focus. Paper Two: Section A Students will be examined on one set text from the selection below. They will need to know the whole text. Modern Text Drama An Inspector Calls- J.B. Priestley Blood Brothers- Willy Russell History Boys- Alan Bennett DNA- Dennis Kelly Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night time (play) Modern Text Prose Lord of the Flies- William Golding Animal Farm- George Orwell Never Let Me Go- Kazuo Ishigaro Anita and Me-Meera Syal Pigeon English- Stephen Kelman Paper 2: Section B: Poetry Students will have studied one cluster of poems, either,  Love and relationships, or Power and Conflict. They need to know, in detail all 15 poems in this cluster.   Love and relationships Lord Byron, 'When We Two Parted' Percy Bysshe Shelley, 'Love’s Philosophy' Robert Browning, 'Porphyria’s Lover' Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 'Sonnet 29' â€" ‘I think of thee!’ Thomas Hardy, 'Neutral Tones' Maura Dooley, 'Letters From Yorkshire' Charlotte Mew, 'The Farmer’s Bride' Cecil Day Lewis, 'Walking Away' Charles Causley, 'Eden Rock' Seamus Heaney, 'Follower' Simon Armitage, 'Mother, any distance' Carol Ann Duffy, 'Before You Were Mine' Owen Sheers, 'Winter Swans' Daljit Nagra, 'Singh Song! Andrew Waterhouse, 'Climbing My Grandfather Power and Conflict Percy Bysshe Shelley, 'Ozymandias' William Blake, 'London' (poems) William Wordsworth, Extract from 'The Prelude' Robert Browning, 'My Last Duchess' Extra Tutorfair Resource: GCSE Analysis of Robert Browning, 'My Last Duchess'   Alfred Lord Tennyson, 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' Wilfred Owen, 'Exposure’ Seamus Heaney, 'Storm on the Island' Ted Hughes, 'Bayonet Charge' Simon Armitage, 'Remains' Jane Weir, 'Poppies' 4,400' Carol Ann Duffy, 'War Photographer' Imtiaz Dharker, 'Tissue' Carol Rumens, 'The Émigree' John Agard, 'Checking Out Me History' Beatrice Garland, 'Kamikaze' Paper Two : Section C Unseen Poetry We recommend preparing for this final section by examining a varied selection of poems and closely analysing each text. Remember to look out for key themes in each poem, structure and use of language. For further support with the English Literature GCSE  you can search the  Tutorfair website, enter your postcode, and Tutorfair will show you GCSE English GCSE tutors in your area, with the top rated tutors!

Biology, the Science of All Life

Biology, the Science of All Life It often happens that academic disciplines seem to students inapplicable to real life and therefore undeserving of in-depth study. But nobody can say this about biology. The term biology originates from the Greek words bios life and -logia, study of. So biology is the study of life and living organisms. Biology researches the basis of vital activity and interaction between all living things. It is a vast science containing many subdisciplines, including cell biology, microbiology, botany, zoology, anatomy, virology, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, agriculture, ecology, epidemiology, pharmacology, and many others. This branch of knowledge not only provides understanding of our Mother Nature and the essence of life but also helps us to survive. However, there are still many people who believe that biology is a discipline  concerned mainly with the boring examining of flowers and insects under a microscope. It is not true, of course. So let’s think, what is the practical value of biology? First of all, biology is a source of knowledge about the surrounding world. With the help of this science, a person learns the laws of nature, recognizes oneself as a part of nature and realizes that everything is connected. Each organism, even a tiny bug or a microbe, has its function in nature and none of them is useless. It is necessary to observe ecological balance between diverse species, if one of them is destroyed the whole ecosystem will be affected. Besides, the natural resources are exhaustible and learning biology helps to perceive the idea of rational use of these resources. This way the study of biology serves to form the ecological reasoning of modern people. Another important branch of biology is human study. This knowledge is vitally important for everybody as it helps to organize ones life in a better way in terms of healthy food, mental and physical activity. Rational use of the body resources and understanding of physiology may significantly increase operational efficiency and personal level of life. In ancient times the development of biology allowed us to research the specifics of the human body and created the theoretical basis for medicine, the importance of this fact cannot be overestimated. Biology is also important in the scope of economics, particularly for agriculture and bioengineering. Researching  the laws of organisms’ evolution makes it possible to breed new varieties of plants and strains of cattle adapted for cultivation in an artificial environment. This results in an increase of grain yields and the harvest of meat, which is a vital task for humanity now, when the population grows faster than the natural resources. Biology is a vast branch of knowledge concerned with the entire biosphere around human beings and the humans by themselves. Biology has changed the world and the basic knowledge of this science is needed to orient oneself in the present-day life. Biology has incontestable practical value as a basis of all modern technologies of food production and medicine. Besides, understanding the laws of nature forms the mentality open to environment-friendly ideas which is utterly  important for saving the ecological balance on our planet. Learning biology from an early age is essential for personal development of the young individual and for making right decisions in the situations related to  environmental pollution and personal health. Visit  to find a biology  tutor in  Los Angeles,  Portland,  Phoenix,  Salt Lake City,  Dallas,  Minneapolis,  Chicago,  Nashville,  Orlando,  Indianapolis,  Atlanta,  Philadelphia  or any other U.S. city.

World`s First Navigation System

World`s First Navigation System Nowadays, almost everyone uses navigation system from the sailors, and NASA astronauts to bus drivers. As for me driving a car has become much more easier with new technology. I am now spared from worries while driving because GPS navigation system will make sure that I  will get to the  desirable destination. It has become  especially helpful for those of us who could get lost in the mall parking lot if exits werent clearly marked. We  can only imagine how hard it was to use the stars  to navigate. I bet Magellans life would have been  much  easier with satellite navigation:) But, world’s first navigation system called Plus Fours Routefinder, was  invented only in 1920?s in Britain.  Want to know how it worked? No satellites or digital screens were used in the making of this portable navigation system.  It  was designed to be worn on your wrist as a regular watch  and consisted of small paper maps and two wooden handles  which you had to  turn manually as you drive along. Things have been changed from that time. Navigation systems  became more  complicated, modern and fully automated. Today, you have an  opportunity to become an engineer who will be developing a navigation system for next Mars mission.  Of course, mission navigation is  a complicated task. But do not worry! TutorZ has great  affordable engineering  tutors  willing to help you.

Going Off to College Setting Up a Budget - TutorNerds

Going Off to College Setting Up a Budget - TutorNerds How to Set Up a Budget for Going Off to College Many recent high school graduates are getting ready to go off to their first year of college. In addition to the academic and social transition students will face, they will also need to start managing their money. This will be a big difference for kids who primarily had their money managed for them by their parents during high school. Some students may have had a part-time job where they began to learn the value of a dollar and how much things cost as compared to how easy or difficult it is to earn that money. Either way, its important for college kids to set up a budget so they can manage living expenses, additional university fees, and student loans. 1. Personal Banker Most college students don’t speak with a personal banker, but theres no reason why they shouldnt. Almost every bank will offer personal banking services, and some bankers specialize in student bank accounts. In some cases, full-time students will be able to avoid certain fees that other customers have to pay or may be able to get a minor line of credit even though they dont currently have a credit history. Whether students speak to someone at the bank on campus or open an account with a nationwide bank or credit union, its a good idea for them to sit down and have a discussion about how to budget, where they can save money, and how to avoid having a large credit bill. 2. Living Expenses Its a significant change when students move out of their parent’s house and into a college dorm or student apartment. Most young adults won’t realize the extent of the different bills they have to pay. For instance, in addition to dorm or apartment fees, students will have to pay utilities, buy groceries, and pay for things like new clothes and shoes, and other non-academic expenses. Its essential for students to inquire whether or not utilities and Wi-Fi access are available as part of their rent (as would be common in a dorm) or if they need to pay it separately (as would be common in an apartment). Students can sit down with their parents and make a list of each item and how much they think it will cost so they can set a basic budget (READ: 5 Things to do Before You Go Off to College). 3. Pocket Money Most students want to have a fair amount of pocket money because having a little bit of extra cash can make the university experience a lot more fun. For instance, students will need money to go out for coffee or to the movies with a new friend, go on a vacation during a break, or just have a little extra to spend on the weekend. However, many students dont know how much things cost and where they can get the best deal. Although many adults budget their extra cash by the month, its a good idea for college freshmen to set out their budget for the week until they see how much they spend and on what. 4. A Part Time Job Vs. a Savings Account Another thing students should think about is whether they will be living off a savings account or working at a part-time job during the year. New college students find it extra challenging to work and study during the semester, but many students will rely on that cash to survive. Other students may be able to work full-time during the summer and winter break periods and put that money into a savings account to live on during the rest of the term. If students are working a part-time job, its essential that they calculate the amount of tax that will be taken out (probably 10%) before they make their budget. 5. Comparing Prices One thing that can be helpful is for students to start learning how to compare prices. For example, buying coffee at a coffee house vs. making coffee in the dorm might be a difference of $50 at the end of the month. At student wages, it could easily take an entire day to make 50 bucks. Some price comparisons will be relatively small while others will be much larger, such as student loan interest payments that will commence upon graduation or living expenses. When students learn how to compare prices appropriately and make the most frugal choice they’ll be more likely to be able to start managing a budget on their own (READ: 10 Reasons You Need a Summer Tutor). Get a leg up on college with the help of a private Orange County college tutor from TutorNerds. Call us today for more information! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.